Vicar of Rotherham, Newark 240503. The Vicar of Rotherham

"Blessed be these scoops...all 3,000 of them"

VOR Tamworth 060903
VOR Hills 110903 The Bishop

Phot : Roly

The Bishop @ Pboro

Phot : Phil Hodgson

The Bishop Birmingham BF 150905
Beige Vicar Worcester BF 190806 V o Rotherham Smithfield Manchester 190107
The Vicar giving Benediction at The Star Inn quartering at The Star Inn Huddersfield 300307

Phot : Glyn

Tony Messado and Vicar Fleetwood Beer Fest 08

Phot : Otto


Name(s) The Bishop of Rotherham
Real Name Peter Collins
From Rotherham
Scoops total 10,000+ Current Status Scooping
Started ? Gave up because Not yet
Other Gen