Fudge with William the cat in Tamworth 31/07/02 Fudge Reading 020503
Fudge Tamworth 060903 Fudge and Sister Tamworth 070903
Fudge and Leader Tamworth 100999 Gazza Sue Fudge and Planey Melton 200903

Phot: Andy Buchan

Slobby Ray and Fudge Notts BF 161003 Fudge's sister, Jane and Fudge seminar in the Globe Tamworth 200903
Fudge and Claire Tamworth 080906 Slobby Ray and Fudge on train 161106

Phot : Herbal

Slobby Ray Fudge and Herbal on train 161106

Phot : Herbal

Gazza and Fudge Reading 020508
Fudge Hannah and Gazza in the Harlequin Sheffield 110908 Fudge and Gazza in Harley Sheffield 110908 Fudge and PCW Harley Sheffield 110908 Planey and Fudge New Oxford Salford 240109














Name(s) Fudge, The Judge
Real Name Chris Fudge
From Tamworth
Scoops total 10,000+ Current Status Still going
Started 1980's Gave up scooping Get out!
Quotes "Now then!"
Likes Nargis Kebabs
Dislikes Timetables in the toilet, Millennium spoon goons
Other Gen Top Brush man with 1,000,000+ miles.