What all scoopers should do, IMO!Keeping some bottles cold in a bag of snow on a train in Croatia!Correct use of a funnel to bottle up.Fang, the world's beigest dog.  RIP.A load of casks outside the Evening Star in Brighton.Seminars - even better at 09:00 in the morning!A fine looking specimen.Air Berlin all the way!A big, claggy, loud ALCo beastie!Hanseatic building, Lubeck

   The Scoopergen awards page!   

Last Updated : 01/01/10

ow then.  In the current furrow which Scoopergen seems to be ploughing, namely a conceited, up-it's-own-arse type of furrow, I hereby give to you a page of irrelevant and totally egocentric awards, lists and other such like which will have the beer establishment quaking in it's boots, of that I have no doubt.

The Scoopergen awards 2009! New !

The Scoopergen awards 2008!

The Scoopergen awards 2007!

Beer of the Month page - updated monthly !

Pub of the Month page - updated monthly !

The Scoopergen awards 2006!

My personal favourite beers from around the world.

My incomplete beer styles of the world ramblings.

The Top 10's page - out of date, but it's here anyhow.


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