Seminars - even better at 09:00 in the morning!The Prince Albert, Stow cum Quy.  RIP.The copper at Appollo, Kobenhavn.A cask of, hopefully, a huge winner.Drink me! Drink me!  You know you want to...Some bottles ready for consumption.Brian Moore, the Sheffield Whippet.This is the Steampacket "minibus" in case you were wondering."Foreign" beer counts too, you know....When the Beer House used to do mini-festivals...

  Links Page 

Last Updated : 09/04/09

elow are the links that I've found useful in the fields of scooping, planning European moves or ones I just like; enjoy.

Beer-related links.

General Links



Beer & Rail Diesel bashing and beer scooping...
Beerme Not always accurate or up-to-date but still a useful tool
Paul Harrops' site Paul Harrop's superb site which gives details of breweries in Gernany, Austria and more besides.
Rick Pickup's Quaffale Rick Pickup's excellent UK brewery website which will tell you all you want to know about any UK brewery - guaranteed!   Now re-open for business...
Ratebeer American site which enables you to scoop your beers on a web-based system.  Good for searching for that elusive beer you had in Croatia...  The massive database of beers and breweries can be very useful.
Ron Pattinson's

Euro Beer Guide

Ron's superb European beer drinking site which is an essential first call.  If you want beer gen about a city, chances are it'll be here.
Ohhh my Head... A beer scooping "posse" from Sweden's site, hats off to them as they've tried a load of top beers from all over the world...Outside of the UK, Per Samuelsson must be the top man!
Suffolk Scooper's site Rob Gooding's scooping site.

Czech Republic links



Pivovarskı Klub See what's currently on tap!
Czech beer gen Top site with all the Czech brewery gen with an English section too!
Czech brewery map Click on the brewery to get the gen!
Zlı Časy New scooping pub in Praha, click on the logo then "AKCE" to get the list.  What is on the list isn't always what's on...
Klub netopır New scooping pub in Brno with some superb guest beers!  "Připravujeme" means on next.

German links



Fässla, Bamberg THE place to stay in Bamberg, bookable online.
Hausbrauerei Good site for German brewpubs
Good beer guide to Germany Frequently updated and full of useful info

Italian links



Microbirrifico Superb Italian micro brewery site, lots of gen (in Italian) but click on the regions of the map to the left for lists of the brewpubs and micros.
Football Pub, Rome One of the world's finest scooping pubs!
Maxbeer A bit lacking and out of date but worth a look
Mondobirra Yet another decent beer site

Argentinian links



Argentinian Breweries Think there's "nothing to eat in the Argentine but corned beef and cheap red wine?"  think again...

French links



French beer map Useful beer and brewery site.
Bier Breizh Beer gen from the Celtic bit
Good beer gen French beer gen is notoriously unreliable and dodgy, but this seems about the best I can find

Belgian links



Cantillon The ultimate (for some) Lambic brewery.
Belgian beer pub map Does what it says, etc...

USA links



Gotham Imbiber Alex Hall's superb site for New York
Beermenus See what's on in many NYC pubs; excellent stuff!

Other countries links



Austrian "brewery fuehrer" Plenty of beer gen, although not sure about the title...
Finland In English, too
Ireland This "craft brewer" site is well worth a peek
The Beer Nut One of the only blogs I read, written with wit and a good amount of scooping mentality by an Irishman from Dublin.
Poland Very good Polish site with all brewers and brewpubs listed.  Polish only, but it's not that difficult!!!
Slovakia Well put together and comprehensive site which enables you to see what's on in all the pubs albeit not "live".  Excellent stuff.
Switzerland Bov's site, all you need to know

Blog links

Given my hatred of most bloggers as they haven't a fucking clue what they're talking about, there's a reasonably decent list here to have a look at.



Reluctant Scooper Well written and I even get a namecheck!!
The Beer Nut Irish scooper's blog, I like this a lot!
Tandleman A certain CAMRA bigwig from Middleton way's blog, and it's one of the few to be informed and written with any kind of authority.
Tyson's blog Very amusing blog from Bury, written with wit, imagination and a load of irony.  Excellent.

Travel-related links.




ACARS Missed the number of that plane?  No worries, you can find out what worked what on here - amazingly useful!!! TOPS for planes!!!
Aircraft Mileage Calculator Now this is really sad... plane mileage!  
Airline Codes Lists of airport and plane type codes. Want to know what a "BNT" is, or where "EZE" is?  Look no further.
Air Berlin The best of the budget airlines if a little non-budget these days.  
Airparks One of the best airport parking services.  
Amadeus Travel agent's tool which is very useful. Budget airlines too.
Beer & Rail Mixing up bashing and beers...  
BMI Baby BMI's budget option, a bit dearer than most of the others with fewer routes these days.  
British European Regional UK and some European cities.  
Currency Conversion A universal currency converter for just about any currency you can think of! Up-to-the-minute rates on all manner of bizarre currencies.
DB trip query page Works throughout Europe, don't look anywhere else for this gen!  
easyJet The big orange.  
Germanwings Part of Lufthansa but very cheap.  
Metros Subway and metro gen.  
Pink Elephant parking Stansted long-stay.  
Ryanair In our experience, undeserved of their bad reputation. "Riotscare" as they are affectionately known.
Sky Europe Hungary, Slovakia and suchlike.  
Sky scanner If you want to know who flies where, fire up this website and it'll tell you. Good for planning trips to less usual places.
Thomsonfly From various small UK airports to Europe in partnership with Hapag-Lloyd express.  
To and From You need to know how to get from the airport to the town?  No worries - it's all here, including public transport!  Superbly useful. Has been correct every time so far!
Urban Railways All you ever wanted to know about Funiculars and Cog railways throughout Europe!  
Wizzair A new force from Eastern Europe, flying to some very interesting destinations.  

Other random links.



Nargis kebab site My other website - dedicated to the glory of the Nargis Kebab - the Scotch egg of the curry world. Oh yes, my other site about diesel bashing!

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