Last Updated : 07/12/03 |
his page is a showcase for some
pretty ugly talent. Realistically, are these people normal?
YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT THEY'RE NOT!!!! A "seminar" is, or should be, one of the biggest riots
when out scooping. It happens when something funny, shambolic, outrageous
or just plain seminar-worthy happens. The seminar is comprised of as many
scoopers as can fit in the picture, bellowing and flailing profusely at the
subject matter. If you don't understand, take a look at the following, and
you probably still won't. Click on any of the pictures to get a bigger
view of the seminar. If you can't find yourself in any of these, where the
hell were you???
Please choose the set of seminars you wish to see.
Abbot - LS&B party, racecourse and ambulance hall.
festivals - Rare breeds, Wakefield, Ledbury, York
- Hebble brook, Cask & Cutler, Crystal Palace, Old Court,
stuff - Ledbury station, a shed and other bizarre stuff!